Juwe Mofeyisayo Moses

The Course of Distance

Step into the captivating world of “The Course Of Distance,” a mesmerising novel by Juwe Moses. Love, an undeniable force that knows no boundaries, takes centre stage as two souls navigate the complexities of relationships and unexpected twists.
Samuel sets sail to Germany, his purpose to translate the German language for fellow travellers aboard a ship. Little does he know that this voyage will alter the course of his life forever. Back home, Samantha patiently waits for Samuel’s return, clinging onto the hope of their love enduring the test of time.

But fate has other plans. Samuel vanishes without a trace, leaving Samantha in a state of profound longing and uncertainty. Desperate to find answers, she embarks on her own journey, seeking solace and an escape from the pain that gnaws at her heart.
Enter Jude, a captivating figure whose charm and charisma are impossible to resist. With his undeniable allure, aristocratic demeanour, and zest for life, he becomes a formidable rival for Samantha’s affections. As she wrestles with conflicting emotions, torn between the familiarity of Samuel and the allure of Jude, the story takes an unexpected turn.

Will Samuel reappear, or has he truly moved on? The twists and turns of fate will leave you guessing until the final page. Juwe Moses, the master storyteller behind “The Course Of Distance,” weaves a tale of love, longing, and the pursuit of true happiness.
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of this thought-provoking novel, as the characters navigate the intricacies of their emotions, grapple with loyalty, and search for their own paths to fulfilment. With each page, you’ll be drawn deeper into a tale that challenges perceptions and explores the depths of the human heart.

“The Course Of Distance” is a gripping exploration of love’s resilience, the power of choices, and the ultimate quest for happiness. Join Samuel, Samantha, and Jude on a journey of self-discovery, passion, and the complexities of the human soul. Prepare to be enthralled, captivated, and ultimately moved by “The Course Of Distance” by Juwe Moses. Are you ready to embark on this emotional and unforgettable literary voyage?

Awards | Distinction

Praises For The Course of Distance

"The Course of Distance" by Juwe Moses is a captivating exploration of human connections and the transformative power of distance. Through compelling storytelling, the book delves into the complexities of longing, separation, and reunion, offering thought-provoking insights into the nature of relationships. While a shorter review, the book provides a rich and engaging experience that prompts readers to contemplate the impact of distance on personal growth and connection.


"The Course of Distance" by Juwe Moses is a captivating exploration of human connections and the transformative power of distance. Through rich storytelling, the book delves into the complexities of longing and separation, painting a vivid picture of how distance shapes our relationships and personal growth. With its thought-provoking narrative, this book offers a poignant reflection on the p


"The Course of Distance" by Juwe Moses is a captivating exploration of human connections and the transformative power of distance. Through rich storytelling, the book delves into the complexities of longing, separation, and reunion. With its multiple perspectives and diverse characters, it offers a thought-provoking reflection on the impact of distance on relationships and personal growth. Highly recommended for those seeking a poignant and insightful read.
